- Life 2. Love 3. Worth 4. Purpose Php 4:19

You can do self-counselling by tracing your problem back to its source. When you experience negative feelings it is because one of man’s four basic needs are not being met. The negative feeling is a warning signal that a need is unfulfilled.
For example, if you are battling loneliness and using self-pity as a comfort aid, the real cure is to have the need of love restored. It is the love need of intimacy through fellowship that is lacking. Self-pity seeks to cause you to feel sorry for yourself believing that loneliness proves no one loves or cares for you. Jesus demonstrated His love for you by dying on a cross to take away your sins. He can restore love through the body of Christ, which is available to meet the need of intimacy. Getting involved in a Bible study group will allow you an opportunity to share your loneliness with caring individuals who will be good listeners and will also provide you with encouragement from the Scriptures. They may direct you to another individual who is lonely where God could meet both of your needs through fellowship. Or you could start a ministry of visiting sick or elderly people in hospitals and homes. You could also talk directly to God about your loneliness as He has promised never to leave or abandon you. To hear His voice, spend time reading His Word and meditate on what He is revealing to you. I have found that being creative and working on projects (writing songs, a novel, etc.) that exalt God has been a wonderful way for me to stop self-pity and loneliness from stealing my joy and my need to feel loved.

Pr 13:12

Physical Health: 2 Co 12:7,8,9,10; 2 Co 4:16,17,18; Ro 12:12
Mental Health: Mt 11:28,29,30; Php 4:6,7,8; Isa 26:3
Spiritual Health: Mt 4:4; Mt 7:24; Ps 1:1,2,3; Pr 1:1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Mt 12:20

Physical Provision: Mt 6:25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34; Ps 37:25; Php 4:19
Social Provision: Ro 8:28; Ro 12:17,18,19,20,21; Mt 5:38,39,40,41,42
Spiritual Provision: Jn 3:16; 2 Co 5:17,18,19; Col 2:6.
Rev 3:20

Physical Affection: 1 Co 7:3,4,5; Lk 15:20; Nu 22:33; Ro 16:16
“Eros” is sensual love between a husband and his wife, while “storge” is kin love between a parent and his or her child. This kin love is also present between a pet and his owner. “Philia” is brotherly love which bonds a friendship when each person is appreciative of the other.
Social Interactions: Heb 10:24,25; Ac 2:42,43,44,45,46,47; Phm 1:17; Gal 6:10
Spiritual Communion: 1 Co 6:17; Jas 4:7,8,9,10; 2 Ch 7:14; 1 Th 5:17.
Heb 12:2

Physical Commitment: Isa 53:5; 1 Pe 2:24
Social Commitment: Heb 13:5; Mt 28:20
Spiritual Commitment: Ro 8:38,39; Jn 10:28.
Heb 12:6

Personal Worth: Col 3:23; Jn 8:29; Gal 6:9; Ro 12:11.
Social Worth: Lk 6:31; Lk 2:52; Mt 7:12; Pr 3:3,4.
Spiritual Worth: Mt 25:23; Mt 3:17; Ro 12:1.
Jn 14:16,17

Personal Identity: Ps 139:14; Jer 29:11.
Social Identity: 1 Co 12:25,26,27; Ro 12:4,5.
Spiritual Identity: Jn 1:12; Ro 8:17.
Ro 12:11

Personal Role: Eph 2:10; 1 Co 12:5,6; Ex 31:3,4,5.
Social Role: Gal 5:13; Gal 6:10; 1 Pe 4:10; Eph 4:16.
Spiritual Role: Jn 17:3; 1 Co 10:31; Eph 1:17; Eph 3:16,17,18,19; Lk 10:27.
Mt 6:24

Personal Submission: Php 4:11,12,13; 1 Ti 6:6,7,8,9,10; Heb 13:5,6; 1 Co 7:20,21.
Social Submission: Ro 13:1; Heb 13:17; Eph 5:21,22.
Spiritual Submission: Gal 2:20; Jn 15:5; Php 4:13; Lk 22:42; Jas 4:7,8.