Plenty were the dreams in my youth

Dreams of fulfillment, purpose, fame and fortune.

But experiencing our fallen world with its storms

Halted this tasteful pursuit like insipid hospital food.


My naïve self-seeking pleasure objective––

finally exposed; for what it was––ignoble.

I felt shame for the years wasted chasing smoke

And not being satisfied with Your workmanship of me.


The miracle came the day I affirmed that Your Word was truth.

No longer was there a need to be acknowledged or celebrated.

My eyes looked to You rather than to the mirror.

Gratitude replaced self-gratification; and contentment, anxious hope.


Older and wiser, I now run to You,

Humble myself, knowing my nature too well.

I cast today’s obstacles before Your throne

Knowing that You have the remedy

And will elucidate my mind

Bringing peace and serenity to my soul.

Father God, You alone

Can change one’s drab existence into ebullient passion.


But You are the One I can run to
when troubles bow my head
and they break me through
Father God, it is You.