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The world is filled with white noise. It’s our enemy! The younger generation cannot carry on a conversion without fidgeting with their cell phones. It is an awkward time for most to contend with silence. Yet, stillness is a command by God, but it must be directed at Him Ps 46:10. The result—a gentle whisper 1 Ki 19:12,13 that we hear, directing our thoughts and guiding our path. Take the time each day to be still and hear more.
I’m listening for your sound from heaven.
The Roman coins were created by Caesar for Caesar and thus Jesus’ statement to give back to Caesar what belonged to him. Jesus also reminded the people that they had been created in the image of God Gen 1:27 and therefore needed to acknowledge God’s ownership. Just as a potter can mold clay into whatever he desires, God can prepare us for His good pleasure Rev 4:11 KJV. Adam’s sin left our vessel marred Ro 5:12 but as we submit to our Master Jn 3:16, the Holy Spirit begins to mold us back into the righteous image of Christ 2 Co 3:18. One way that we can show our gratitude for God’s salvation is to use God’s gift of creativity to honor Him. This is giving back to God what is God’s and through this means of worship, we experience inner joy Neh 8:10.
You give me your life, I give you mine.