For a wonderful time of worship, examine one book daily and praise God for the marvellous truth about Jesus.
1. Gen 2:7 The One who gives life.

SELAH (Woved me in my mother’s womb, breathed new life in me)
2. Ex 12:21 Our substitute for sins.

SELAH (You’re the Passover Lamb, Your blood covers my door)
3. Lev 23:6 The holiness of God.

SELAH (Gave us Your righteousness and all our sins
took flight)
4. Nu 24:17 Our King and Guide in wilderness wanderings.

SELAH (For God gave us His only Son and in the light of His Star, salvation had begun)
5. Dt 21:23 The One who paid our debt.

SELAH (Tree of Life, sown in the Garden of Eden, transplanted to Calvary, Lord You gave us our freedom)
6. Jos 5:14 NASB Our victory in possessing the land.

SELAH (Child, rest in me and you will see your victory, your victory)
7. Jdg 2:1 Freed us from our enemies.

SELAH (Don’t be afraid, stand firm and you will see the deliverance of the Lord, for He has heard your plea)
8. Ruth 3:9 Our rescuer.

SELAH (Filled up with emptiness and darkness that was all that I could see, then Lord, You rescued me)
9. 1 Sa 8:7 Who loves us Lk 23:34.

SELAH (Scorned and rejected while He hung dying)
10. 2 Sa 7:12,13 From the royal line of David.

SELAH (For God is our God, forever and ever, He will always be our joy, Amen)
11. 1 Ki 9:3 The One we worship.

SELAH (We come and worship for we are redeemed and holy)
12. 2 Ki 21:7 The One who is with His faithful forever.

SELAH (I am Your king forever, there is no other Savior)
13. 1 Chr 17:12 Our Master Craftsman

SELAH (Faithful Son, and builder of God’s great hall)
15. Ezra 1:1 The One who changes our desires.

SELAH (Yes I will follow Your fire, fill this heart with one desire)
23. Isa 53:2 Source of all life.

SELAH (Narrow is the path and Love is the Root)
43. Jn 7:38 Who satisfies our thirst.

SELAH (There’s Living Water running through my veins)
46. 1 Co 15:23 From the dead.

SELAH (Scorned and rejected while He hung dying to give us life He rose again)
62. 1 Jn 1:1 Our teacher of truth.

SELAH (The Word of Life, the Final Sacrifice)