SELAH (If I obey to come and follow You, Your the path that I must walk upon)

SELAH (Just look at me now, I changed because You loved me)

SELAH (Loving, merciful and true)

SELAH (And He hears each tiny whispered prayer)

SELAH (Each time you lift your hands to pray)

SELAH (And now we’ll worship You forever)

SELAH (Brother george says listen to this song learning to trust God won’t take long)

SELAH (And You ask me just to trust You Lord)

SELAH (Sing it, praise to our God)

SELAH (Grant me the strength to grow in love and to live what I believe for)

SELAH (You may have longed for added strength, your courage to renew)

SELAH (And He hears each tiny whispered prayer)

SELAH (Lord help me to learn to trust and obey)

SELAH (This is love for God to obey His commands)

SELAH (Thank Him and let your heart be filled with joy)

SELAH (I worship You Lord, Holy One, Most High)

SELAH (Not my will but Thine be done)

SELAH (I want to love You Lord the way You love me)

SELAH (Love’s the answer that we’ve been given. Open up your heart and let it fly)

SELAH (Not my will but Thine be done)

SELAH (I will trust You in all things)

SELAH (Give thanks to God for giving His Son)

SELAH (Ever present, never changing, always faithful, always true)

SELAH (Lord look at me now, I’m Yours for all eternity)

SELAH (I worship You Lord, in all Your holiness)

SELAH (Gateway of Glory)

SELAH (Give thanks to God for His love)

SELAH (You are mine and I am Yours)

SELAH (I want to give with my heart Lord)