1 unity Ac 4:32; Jn 17:20-22 | BELT Col 1:17; Heb 1:3 To hold everything together. | Dependency on Jesus Jn 15:5; Php 4:13; Gal 2:20; 1 Co 6:17 I will not eat from the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” and be my own god Gen 3:22 but will feed off the “Tree of Life” (Jesus) and be dependent upon Him. I am united to God and His purposes. I obey His truth. Song: Buckle Up | TRUTH Jn 14:6; Jn 8:31,32,36 |
2 division separation Gen 10:25; Mt 6:24 | BREASTPLATE Pr 4:18,19; Pr 4:23; Mt 15:19 To protect the heart from a mortal wound. | Righteous Living Eph 5:3,4,5,8,9; Eph 4:22,23,24; 1 Co 15:33; 2 Co 6:14,15,16,17 Inner Battle: I put off the old man (fleshly desires) and put on the new man (godly desires). Gal 5:16,17; Lk 9:23 (daily) I guard my heart against evil and follow His ways.Mt 6:13 Song: All My Strength | RIGHTEOUSNESS 1 Co 1:30; 2 Co 5:21 |
3 resurrection life Jn 2:19; Mt 12:40; Ac 10:16,19,30,47 | SHOES readiness Col 4:5,6; 1 Pe 3:15; Ro 10:15 To battle anywhere. | Readiness to share the Gospel Mt 28:19; Mt 5:16; Mk 4:21,22 I am an ambassador for Christ 2 Co 5:20 and like a soldier, I put away my interests and focus on carrying out God’s will 2 Ti 2:4. I witness the Good News wherever I am sent. Song: We’re Carrying His Message | PEACE Isa 9:6; Jn 14:27 |
4 world Isa 11:12; Rev 7:1 40 testing Mt 4:1,2; Heb 3:16-19 | SHIELD Ps 119:114; 2 Sa 22:3 To protect body from mortal blow. | Protection and Contentment in Trials Ps 91:1,2; Php 4:12,13; 1 Pe 5:7; Ro 8:28; 2 Co 5:7 I will have trials Jn 16:33 but because Jesus overcame death, so I can overcome all things 1Jn 5:4,5; Ro 8:28. I trust God in all circumstances. Pr 3:5 Song: I Will Trust | FAITH Jn 14:1; Heb 11:1,6 |
5 preparation for event 1 Sa 17:40 Mt 25:1-3,4 | HELMET 2 Co 10:3,4,5; Ac 17:11; Col 2:8 To protect the head from a mortal blow. | My Identity in Christ 2 Co 5:17; Ro 12:2; God has delivered my mind 1 Co 2:16. I am aware of Satan’s schemes 2 Co 2:11. I am forgiven Rev 12:10,11 As a child of God, I put into practice the mind of Christ. Song: Child Of The Living God | SALVATION DELIVERANCE Mt 1:21; Jas 4:7 |
6 man created on day 6; told to subdue the earth and rule over all the animals Gen 1:28 | SWORD Isa 49:2; Rev 2:12; Heb 4:12 To defeat the enemy. | Defeating the Enemy I rely on God’s Word and the Holy Spirit to communicate His orders for victory. This dagger is surgical, rather than broad (for close encounters with the enemies of God, like Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness) Mt 4:4,7,10. The Holy Spirit instructs and directs me in battle. Song: Sound From Heaven | SPIRIT Jn 14:16,17,26 |
7 completeness and rest Gen 2:2,3 Heb 4:8,9,10 | PRAYER Ps 23:2,3; Jer 29:12; Col 4:2 To communicate with God. | Rest, peace and refreshment. 2 Co 1:3,4; Php 4:6,7; Mt 11:28-30; Jn 10:27 I am intimate with God and He renews my strength. I worship God and thank Him for His comfort. Song: Rest In Me | SPIRIT Ro 8:26,27 |

11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So, let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh Ro 13:11-14.
Daily, be clothed with Jesus: (To be clothed with Jesus is to become more Christ-like Eph 4:24; Col 3:10) …clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity Col 3:12-14.This can only be accomplished by being dependent Jn 15:5 upon Jesus to rule your actions Gal 2:20, and wearing the armor that He has provided us to battle our enemy, Satan Eph 6:11).
- Belt of Truth Jesus is our truth Jn 14:6 that we speak in love Eph 4:15.
- Breastplate of Righteousness Jesus is our righteousness 1 Co 1:30, the holy lifestyle that we live 1 Pe 1:16.
- Shoes of Peace Jesus is our Gospel of Peace 1 Co 15:2,3,4 that we share with others Ro 10:15.
- Shield of Faith Jesus is our shield of protection Ps 28:7 that we trust Pr 3:5 against Satan’s schemes Eph 6:16.
- Helmet of Salvation Jesus is our salvation Mt 1:21 that gives us a new identity (a child of God 2 Co 5:17; Jn 1:12).
- Sword of the Spirit Jesus, the Word Jn 1:1 and the Holy Spirit, our teacher Jn 16:13 are our wisdom 1 Co 1:30 and our discernment 1 Co 2:14; for we have the mind of Christ 1 Co 2:16; through the living Word that is active in our lives Heb 4:12.
- Prayer in the Spirit Jesus Heb 7:25 and the Holy Spirit Ro 8:26,27,34 are our Intercessors to give us victory when we ask in prayer Mt 7:7,8.