Wednesday, March 17, 2021.
Jer 52:3
It was because of the Lord’s anger that all this happened to Jerusalem and Judah, and in the end he thrust them from his presence: The evil actions of the kings and people of Judah led the Lord to exile His people to Babylon. He disciplined them in order for them to comprehend the results of disobedience. His desire has always been to have a people that would willingly love Him.
Application: today we have the choice to demonstrate to God that we desire to serve Him or rebel and be our own god. The result will be destruction or eternal life. Let us choose wisely.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021.
Jer 51:7
Babylon was a gold cup in the Lord’s hand; she made the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore they have now gone mad: God used Babylon to discipline Judah to fulfill His will, just as He used Pharaoh in Egypt Ro 9:17. But now He will punish Babylon for her wickedness.
Application: God can also use bad things that happen in our lives for good, if we allow Him time to work it out for our good Ro 8:28.
Monday, March 15, 2021.
Jer 50:2
“Announce and proclaim among the nations, lift up a banner and proclaim it; keep nothing back, but say, ‘Babylon will be captured; Bel will be put to shame, Marduk filled with terror. Her images will be put to shame and her idols filled with terror:’ the Babylonians had been used by God in Jeremiah’s time to punish Judah. But now God prophesied that in the future He would take down Babylon for its evil and worship of false gods Bel and Marduk.
Application: although God used evil kings and nations for His purposes Ro 9:17,22, He doesn’t tempt anyone to sin Jas 1:13. It is our responsibility to do what is right, if we don’t, God will use our evil actions to accomplish His will, yet, we will still be accountable for our actions.
Sunday, March 14, 2021.
Jer 49:39
Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come,” declares the Lord: the Lord will punish the people for their disobedience but after His discipline, He will show them mercy and restore them. A loving Father disciplines those He loves Heb 12:6.
Application: God desires to have an intimate relationship with us so when we stray from Him, He lovingly disciplines us to help us see our sin clearly and return to the path of righteousness. Thank You, Father for caring for me 1 Pe 5:7.
Saturday, March 13, 2021.
Jer 48:7
Since you trust in your deeds and riches, you too will be taken captive, and Chemosh will go into exile, together with his priests and officials: The Moabites arose from Lot’s incestuous relationship with his oldest daughter Gen 19:37. Ruth was a Moabite Ruth 1:4. However, God will bring judgment on Moab because they failed to trust Him but trusted in themselves and in wealth.
Application: Jesus reminded the people that they couldn’t serve two masters Mt 6:24. If we don’t want to be exiled from God’s presence we need to place our complete trust in God and not in money or other false gods. God offers us an eternal relationship if we only place our trust in Him.
Friday, March 12, 2021.
Jer 47:4
For the day has come to destroy all the Philistines and to remove all survivors who could help Tyre and Sidon: God would use the Babylonians to wipe out the Philistines and avoid possible alliances for Tyre and Sidon, Phoenician cities. The Philistines were a major thorn in Israel’s side but God would now remove this enemy.
Application: God can remove our enemies at any time He desires, so we should focus on Him and not our enemies. Paul says we do not wrestle against men but spiritual powers Eph 6:12. This is why prayer is so important in our struggles against men because it is really a struggle against Satanic forces and God is stronger.
Thursday, March 11, 2021.
Jer 46:11
Go up to Gilead and get balm, Virgin Daughter Egypt. But you try many medicines in vain; there is no healing for you: God warned Egypt that He would destroy them physically by using Nebuchadnezzar. However, He also told them that spiritually their foreign gods would not be able to deliver them from the true God.
Application: today, many place their faith in man or money, hoping that this will make them well, but only Jesus, the balm of Gilead can heal us from our spiritual illness––deadly sin. Faith in Christ is the cure 1 Pe 2:24.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021.
Jer 45:5
Should you then seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them. For I will bring disaster on all people, declares the Lord, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life: Baruch was Jeremiah’s secretary, who wrote on scrolls what God had prophesied to Jeremiah Jer 45:1. He was discouraged and worn out Jer 45:3 from little success. God reminds Baruch that He is the One who built up Judah and He would also uproot them because of their disobedience Jer 45:4. So, God is also disappointed. Baruch should not focus on personal goals 2 Ti 2:4 but desire to fulfill God’s will, as He will bring disaster on all the disobedient. In God’s grace, He will spare Baruch’s life.
Application: my focus should be on being God’s servant, doing what God has asked me to do, not look to personal fame or gain Lk 17:10.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021.
Jer 44:16
We will not listen to the message you have spoken to us in the name of the Lord: the remnant of Judah that went to Egypt disobeying God’s order Jer 44:12 and now they tell Jeremiah that they won’t listen to God and they will continue to worship foreign gods Jer 44:17.
Application: God gives each a choice to obey or disobey, however there are consequences for our choice. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord Jos 24:15.
Monday, March 8, 2021.
Jer 43:4
So Johanan son of Kareah and all the army officers and all the people disobeyed the Lord’s command to stay in the land of Judah: Jeremiah communicated the Lord’s message to the people but they wouldn’t believe Jeremiah Jer 43:2 and therefore disobeyed the command. God’s response was to warn the people that Nebuchadnezzar would attack Egypt and His people would be killed or placed in captivity Jer 43:11.
Application: God gives us a choice to accept His will or suffer the consequences. Are we so foolish that we would prefer eternal damnation rather than listening to the Lord?
Sunday, March 7, 2021.
Jer 42:7
Ten days later the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: the army officers asked Jeremiah to pray to God for guidance, if they should move to Egypt to avoid the Babylonian rule Jer 42:2,3. Why didn’t Jeremiah hear from the Lord immediately? A hint is given to us in Dan 10:13 when Daniel prayed and fasted for 21 days without any answer Dan 10:2,3.
Application: we need to realize that there is a spiritual battle going on between God and Satan and the angels and demons. Paul heeds Christians to put on the full armor of God and that our enemy is not man but spiritual entities in which we must stand firm against Eph 6:11,12,13. We may not be able to physical see these entities but they are real, remember what Elisha prayed for his servant 2 Ki 6:17. Jesus reminded us to ask, seek and knock and He would answer our prayer Mt 7:7 but patience is required and not giving up Lk 18:1,7.
Saturday, March 6, 2021.
Jer 41:2 Ishmael son of Nethaniah and the ten men who were with him got up and struck down Gedaliah son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, with the sword, killing the one whom the king of Babylon had appointed as governor over the land: once Ishmael killed Gedaliah and some Babylonian soldiers Jer 41:3, all Judah would pay for their insurrection. This caused the people to flee to Egypt to avoid the wrath that would follow this incident. Application: Ishmael was of the line of David but he didn’t honor God like David did. When David had the chance to kill Saul he refused 1 Sa 24:10. However, Ishmael took matters into his own hands, but in the end had to escape to the Ammonites Jer 41:15. We too often trust in our understanding rather than relying to wait on the Lord Pr 3:5. |
Friday, March 5, 2021.
Jer 40:3
And now the Lord has brought it about; he has done just as he said he would. All this happened because you people sinned against the Lord and did not obey him: God warned His people that He wouldn’t tolerate disobedience but His words fell on deaf ears so judgment came.
Application: Jesus left us with two commandments: to love God and our neighbour and yet we find that repulsive and rebel against the Lord. Unfortunately, God will give to each his just reward. When people discover the truth it will be too late to change your fate. Today is the day of salvation 2 Co 6:2.
Thursday, March 4, 2021.
Jer 39:18
I will save you; you will not fall by the sword but will escape with your life, because you trust in me, declares the Lord: Jeremiah told Ebed-Melek that the Lord would destroy Jerusalem but would save him because Ebed-Melek trusted in God.
Application: God honors those who place their trust in Him and gives justice to those who rebel against Him Ac 10:34,35. This life is a test for the next life. We get to display to God what is in our hearts and this will determine where we will spend eternity. Those that are victorious, who desired to serve and worship God will live with Him forever Rev 21:7 while the unbelieving will be consigned to the lake of fire Rev 21:8.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Jer 38:20
They will not hand you over,” Jeremiah replied. “Obey the Lord by doing what I tell you. Then it will go well with you, and your life will be spared: King Zedekiah was fearful of losing his life but he struggled to trust in the Word of the Lord.
Application: God’s Word is truth Jn 17:17. There is no better true north than trusting in God’s Word, even when it doesn’t seem to make sense to our understanding Pr 3:5. It is impossible to please God if we do not trust in Him Heb 11:6.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021.
Jer 37:2 Adobe Color: 76829a
Neither he (Zedekiah) nor his attendants nor the people of the land paid any attention to the words the Lord had spoken through Jeremiah the prophet: Judah did not heed God’s warnings and therefore they were destroyed.
Application: today people refuse to consider God’s warnings, living life without the fear of God. They will be shocked on judgment day to find out the reality of God. I want to be obedient to You and your Word and use my gifts and energy to warn Your creation of the coming judgment and the wonderful escape that You have provided through the Gospel. Thank you, Jesus for your willingness to save us sinners.
Monday, March 1, 2021.
Jer 36:31
I will punish him (Jehoiakim) and his children and his attendants for their wickedness; I will bring on them and those living in Jerusalem and the people of Judah every disaster I pronounced against them, because they have not listened: God had given Jehoiakim one last chance to repent but when He heard God’s words he had the scroll burned in the fire Jer 36:23.
Application: I want to be obedient to all of God’s commands and advice for me. Help me Holy Spirit to have ears to hear God’s voice.
Sunday, February 28, 2021.
Jer 35:17
“Therefore this is what the Lord God Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘Listen! I am going to bring on Judah and on everyone living in Jerusalem every disaster I pronounced against them. I spoke to them, but they did not listen; I called to them, but they did not answer: the Rekabite family were a nomadic group that were faithful the their forefathers rules. God tested them with wine in which they refused remaining steadfast to their traditions Jer 35:5,6. God used their behaviour to show His people that foreigners were more obedient than His own people.
Application: it is an embarrassment to the body of Christ to be less obedient to God than the world is to their beliefs. We need to be lights for a dark world, holy not blending into the world’s lifestyles Mt 5:14,15,16.
Saturday, February 27, 2021.
Jer 34:17
Therefore this is what the Lord says: You have not obeyed me; you have not proclaimed freedom to your own people: the people agreed to set the Hebrew slaves free Jer 34:10 but afterwards charged their minds and enslaved them again Jer 34:11.
So I now proclaim ‘freedom’ for you, declares the Lord—‘freedom’ to fall by the sword, plague and famine. I will make you abhorrent to all the kingdoms of the earth: the result was that the Lord was going to kill the slave captors because they refused to obey His commandments.
Application: today the cabal wants to enslave mankind but God did not create His people to be enslaved. Jesus will soon come back and deliver the world from evil and rule righteously Isa 32:1.
Friday, February 26, 2021.
Jer 33:15
In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line; he will do what is just and right in the land: God prophesied that the Messiah would be sent to Israel from the line of David. He would rule righteously for all that lived in the land.
Application: the Messiah has come and has paid our debt and will come again to rule as that Righteous Branch in the millennium. We are close to Jesus coming back and should be living for the kingdom and not be asleep Mt 25:11,12,13.
Thursday, February 25, 2021.

Jer 32:35
They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molek, though I never commanded—nor did it enter my mind—that they should do such a detestable thing and so make Judah sin: God’s people turned to worship false gods and even sacrificed their children believing the gods would bless them with good harvests. God punished Judah for their rebellion but because of His mercy promised to one day deliver and love them Jer 32:37.
Application: today this kind of evil is still going on around the world with children being sacrificed to Baal and Molek. It’s found in Hollywood, government and in the elite banking families of the world. God will not allow unrighteousness to go on forever. He promises that His Son will come back again and rule in righteousness. Come Lord Jesus, come.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021.
Jer 31: 3
The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness: God has always loved His people, however his people have rebelled against this love and experienced judgment as a consequence. God, now reveals that He will have mercy upon His people and bring back to their land and bless them.
Application: God is the same yesterday, today and forever Heb 13:8. His desire is to lavish His love upon us but we have to receive it and walk in His ways to demonstrate the sincerity of our decision.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021.
Jer 30:17
But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord: God loved His people, even though He punished them for their disobedience. He would later show them mercy and heal the nation.
because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares: even though no other nation cared for their present plight, God would be their Deliverer.
Application: we all like sheep have gone astray Isa 53:6 but Jesus has took our punishment and has offered us His forgiveness 1 Pe 2:24.
Monday, February 22, 2021.
Jer 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart: this was true in Jeremiah’s day and it’s still true today. God desires to have an intimate relationship with each of us Rev 3:20.
Application: If we draw near to God, He will draw near to us Jas 4:8. He speaks to us through His Word so it’s important to read daily. We speak to God through prayer which should be continually 1 Th 5:17.
Sunday, February 21, 2021.
Jer 28:15
Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet, “Listen, Hananiah! The Lord has not sent you, yet you have persuaded this nation to trust in lies: Hananiah tried to convince Judah that God would deliver them from the hands of Nebuchadnezzar by rebuking Jeremiah Jer 28:10,11. However, the Lord told Jeremiah to tell Hananiah that he was a liar and God would kill him Jer 28:16.
Application: the Old Testament punishment for lying prophets was death Dt 13:5. Today, many individuals give themselves the title Prophet and prophesy hoping to win a following and receive recognition from the body of Christ. The only problem is that their prophecies do not come true. Prophets should be careful that they are hearing from God rather than Satan.
Saturday, February 20, 2021.
Jer 27:5
With my great power and outstretched arm I made the earth and its people and the animals that are on it, and I give it to anyone I please: God is the owner of His creation and He sets the rules and if a nation doesn’t obey, He will take away their power and give it to another. Jeremiah was told to tell the people that Babylon would rule over them Jer 27:6.
Application: Today, we are in a struggle against the Cabal who wants to control every aspect of our lives. We need to cry out to our all-powerful God and ask for mercy and deliverance.
Friday, February 19, 2021.
Jer 26:2
“This is what the Lord says: Stand in the courtyard of the Lord’s house and speak to all the people of the towns of Judah who come to worship in the house of the Lord. Tell them everything I command you; do not omit a word: God commanded Jeremiah to speak the exact words that He gave him to make sure the people understood what He was demanding of them. He warned them that judgment would follow if they continued to resist His request Jer 26:5,6.
Application: As ambassadors of God 2 Co 5:20 we must share the truth with the lost and not water down the gospel or add or subtract from the commands of God Rev 22:18,19.
Thursday, February 18, 2021.
Jer 25:35
The shepherds will have nowhere to flee, the leaders of the flock no place to escape: God had given the leaders of Judah many opportunities to repent but they wilfully ignored Jeremiah’s appeals. So, judgment is God’s only resource.
Application: Today is no different for the corrupt leaders who refuse to heed God’s warnings Mic 6:8. He will uphold His righteousness by administrating justice to all who have rebelled against Him Ecc 3:17.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021.
Jer 24:3
Then the Lord asked me, “What do you see, Jeremiah?” “Figs,” I answered. “The good ones are very good, but the bad ones are so bad they cannot be eaten:” God compares His people Judah to figs. He shows Jeremiah two baskets of figs, one that has ripened early which are tasty and the another which are inedible, bad fruit. The good basket will be exiled to Babylonia where God will watch over them and eventually return them to Judah Jer 24:6. However, the bad figs will be destroyed Jer 24:10.
Application: God, one day will separate the lost from the saved Mt 25:32 and the righteous will live with God forever Rev 21:3 while the unrighteous will be destroyed Rev 20:15.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021.
Jer 23:29
“Is not my word like fire,” declares the Lord: fire consumes whatever is in its way. Similarly, God’s Word which man wilfully disobeys will be destroyed.
“and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces? Just like the damage a hammer can do to a rock, God will annihilate false prophets.
Application: phony prophets that prophecy false hope to God’s people Jer 23:16 through dreams Jer 23:25,26 should be aware of God’s anger Jer 23:19,20. Repent and seek to please the Lord.
Monday, February 15, 2021.
Jer 22:16
He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well: Judah’s forefathers reached out to the poor and met their needs so God blessed them.
Is that not what it means to know me?” declares the Lord: the Lord tells Judah that caring for others is a sign that you know God. Selfish living is a sign that you have no regard for God.
Application: if we want to please God and have intimacy with Him, then we must put into practice His commandments. The greatest one is to love God and our neighbour as we love ourselves Mt 22:37,39.
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Jer 21:12
This is what the Lord says to you, house of David: “‘Administer justice every morning: God is holy, therefore He expects us to be holy 1 Pe 1:16 which justice is a natural by product.
rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed, or my wrath will break out and burn like fire because of the evil you have done—burn with no one to quench it: God explains some practical implications of holiness—help those who are experiencing injustice. Reflect God’s character or judgment will follow.
Application: there is much wickedness in our world today with very little honesty and justice. If God rebuked Judah for their lack of holiness, He will administer judgment to our society today if we do not repent.
Saturday, February 13, 2021

Jer 20:13
Sing to the Lord! Give praise to the Lord: everything we have and are is due to the Lord and our response should be praise for His love for us.
He rescues the life of the needy from the hands of the wicked: we can cast our cares on God because He does care for us 1 Pe 5:7. Unfortunately, Satan deceives many to rebel against God’s goodness which makes this life challenging. The Good News is those that trust in God will experience life as God intended it in the New Jerusalem Rev 21:2,3,4.
Application: God has a plan for each of us to further His kingdom by sharing the Good News 2 Co 5:20 and living a life that would make others attracted to God Mt 5:16.
Friday, February 12, 2021.
Jer 19:11
and say to them, ‘This is what the Lord Almighty says: I will smash this nation and this city just as this potter’s jar is smashed and cannot be repaired. They will bury the dead in Topheth until there is no more room: God is patient and merciful but He is also holy and just and therefore when a nation’s time to repent has expired, then judgment will be coming.
Application: let us examine our own lives to see if there is a need to repent of our sinful actions for we can expect the same justice as the Jewish people received. Thankfully, God is a God of mercy and Jesus has already provided forgiveness, so let us be vigilant and honor our Saviour by living righteously and when we lapse into sin to repent and return to a holy lifestyle.
Thursday, February 11, 2021.
Jer 18:6
He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord: God uses the comparison that a potter has the right to make his creation whatever he desires. In the same way, God has created us and can use us for His pleasure Rev 4:11KJV.
“Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel: God can mould us into whatever role He desires us to fulfill for He is our Creator. The creation has no right to demand the Creator to obey its will.
Application: rather than demand God to obey our will, we should have a grateful heart for His sovereignty and willingly accept to do His will. We exist only because God has given us life. Thank You, Father.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021.
Jer 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? The Bible says that we all have gone astray Isa 53:6; that there is none righteous Ro 3:10; and all have sinned Ro 3:23. Without a change of heart we are doomed to destruction. Our hearts are beyond cure––only Jesus can change our deceitful hearts.
Application: We have to see our wretchedness before God can change our wickedness. When we submit to His reign in our lives, the Holy Spirit’s power changes us supernaturally. He will take away our heart of stone and replace it with a tender heart that desires to love others Eze 36:26,27.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021.
Jer 16:4
“They will die of deadly diseases. They will not be mourned or buried but will be like dung lying on the ground. They will perish by sword and famine, and their dead bodies will become food for the birds and the wild animals:” God had withdrawn His blessing, love and pity from Israel Jer 16:6 because of their refusal to repent Jer 16:12. Despite His severe words He prophecies that He will one day restore them to their land Jer 16:15.
Application: Our God is a holy God which requires Him to be just however, He is equally a loving God who is full of mercy and grace. He gives us the opportunity to repent and serve Him and experience His goodness but if we refuse He will give us justice. Today, choose whom you will serve Jos 24:15.
Monday, February 8, 2021.
Jer 15:16
When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight: Jeremiah found that God’s Word brought him so much joy and delight that he compared it to eating the best of foods.
for I bear your name, Lord God Almighty: Jeremiah wanted to hear from God so that he could accurately share His Word with the Israelite nation.
Application: every Christian wants to hear God’s Word accurately to share and encourage the body of Christ. God’s Word is sweet to the taste, better than honey Ps 119:103.
Jer 14 HOPE
Sunday, February 7, 2021.
Jer 14:22
Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, Lord our God: Israel repeated her unfaithfulness time after time by turning to idols for her hope of deliverance from famines and rainless seasons. God through Jeremiah his prophet warned the people that there is only one Savior Isa 43:11.
Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this: Jeremiah affirms this truth hoping that his people would repent and call on the mercy of God to deliver them.
Application: God is usually the last One that we turn to for deliverance. We trust in our wisdom, money, the government and when all has failed us, then we turn to God. No wonder God allows us to go through trials, we deserve them. Let us change our reliance on self and false gods and place our trust in the Lord.
Saturday, February 6, 2021.

Jer 13:23
Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots?: God stated a rhetorical question, which is not a question but a true “no” statement to use as a comparison.
Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil: His point is that a leopard cannot change his spots and neither can an evil person do good for evil is his true nature.
Application: Fortunately for mankind, there is a way to change evil behavior into wholesome living. By submitting to Christ, you will receive the Holy Spirit who is the power that will change evil behavior into a righteous lifestyle.
Friday, February 5, 2021.
Jer 12:13
They will sow wheat but reap thorns: God was always on the Jews lips but He knew that their hearts were far from Him Jer 12:2. Because of their wickedness He would not bless the work of their hands. They would plant but only reap thorns.
they will wear themselves out but gain nothing: the Jews would be diligent in their farming efforts but no matter how much they worked God would make certain that they gained nothing.
They will bear the shame of their harvest because of the Lord’s fierce anger: this would be the Lord’s judgment for their false worship.
Application: do we have the Lord on our lips constantly, yet have little or no relationship with Him. He doesn’t want empty words of praise but a heart of true worship.
Thursday, February 4, 2021.
Jer 11:19
I had been like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter: Jeremiah had to deliver the message that Judah would be judged if they didn’t obey the Covenant. He was the bearer of bad news and Judah’s response was to eliminate the messenger and the message would go away. Unfortunately for them, that wasn’t going to happen.
I did not realize that they had plotted against me, saying, “Let us destroy the tree and its fruit; let us cut him off from the land of the living, that his name be remembered no more: the problem was their disobedience, not the messenger. Later in history, they did the same to Jesus, not wanting to submit to the true Ruler of the Universe.
Application: we can fool ourselves and believe that evolution is true so that we do not have to submit to God’s commandments. However, we are not addressing the real problem which is our rebellious natures and the consequences for disobedience. If you have been fooling yourself believing that your lie will prevent judgment to take place, please wake up to reality. A day is soon coming when everyone will be judged for their actions Ro 2:6.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021.
Jer 10:12
But God made the earth by his power: The triune God was involved in the creation of our universe. The Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters Gen 1:2. He is the power of God Ac 1:8. He gives the creation the breath of life Job 33:4.
he founded the world by his wisdom: Jesus is known as the Wisdom of God 1 Co 1:24,30, who possessed wisdom when He created the world Pr 8:22 NASB; Col 1:16,17.
and stretched out the heavens by his understanding: the Father is the architect that drew up the plans of creation by His understanding 1Co 8:6 (from whom all things came whereas Jesus is the Creator, through whom all things came).
Tuesday, February 2, 2021.
Jer 9:24
but let the one who boasts boast about this: Paul stated that if he was to boast it would be about his weaknesses 2 Co 11:30. The reason was that when he recognized that he was weak, he then could rely on Christ’s power to accomplish the goal 2 Co 12:9.
that they have the understanding to know me: coming to know God invites the Holy Spirit into our lives which supplies the power we need to be victorious Ac 1:8.
that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the Lord: for those individuals who trust in Christ, the Lord will conform them into His image Ro 8:29 teaching them kindness and justice.
Application: When we acknowledge God and allow Him to take control of our lives we will experience the most fulfilling relationship in the universe. To have God delight in us is the goal of every heart!
Monday, February 1, 2021.
Jer 8:6
I have listened attentively, but they do not say what is right. None of them repent of their wickedness, saying, “What have I done?”: God had given Judah time to repent but they denied their guilt.
Each pursues their own course like a horse charging into battle: They became rebellious and pursued their own course with no regard for God’s warnings. The result unfortunately would be judgment Jer 8:17.
Application: Today, is a good time to wake up and see what is happening in our world. The wicked rich want to control the world and have no regard for the people. We like sheep obey these evil Satanists while we turn our backs on God, who loves us. Judgment is around the corner and prayer and repentance are our only weapons left to avoid disaster.
Jer 7 EVIL
Sunday, January 31, 2021.

Jer 7:9
Will you steal and murder, commit adultery and perjury, burn incense to Baal and follow other gods you have not known?: The Jews were pursuing evil and God had Jeremiah warn them that this would lead to judgment. He reminded them of what He had done to Israel Jer 7:12. This would become their fate if they did not repent Jer 7:15.
Application: Do we pretend to be serving the Lord but are pursuing selfish goals? God knows our motives and He can not be fooled. Jesus exhorted us to store up riches in heaven which can never be taken away from us Mt 6:20.
Saturday, January 30, 2021.
Jer 6:16
This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it: God’s people had closed their ears to God’s commands and were doing whatever their selfish souls desired. God would give them one more opportunity to do what was right and if they refused judgment would follow.
and you will find rest for your souls: if His people obeyed His commands they would enjoy peace and prosperity.
But you said, ‘We will not walk in it’: however, they were not interested in serving God, only serving themselves.
we were created for God’s pleasure Col 1:16 and not for our selfish interests.We will never have peace or prosperity if we continue to live for self. It is only when we die to self and turn our lives over to God Gal 2:20 that we will experience life to the full Jn 10:10.
Friday, January 29, 2021.
Jer 5:31
The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way: God is longsuffering but when His people refuse to change He has no alternative except judgment.
But what will you do in the end?: In the end they will be destroyed and it will be too late for them to repent.
Application: In today’s world the wicked call good, evil and wrong, right. They take advantage of the weak and poor and only think of how things will benefit themselves. What will God do in the end? He will give justice to all! Rev 20:12,13.
Thursday, January 28, 2021.
Jer 4:7
A lion has come out of his lair; a destroyer of nations has set out. He has left his place to lay waste your land. Your towns will lie in ruins without inhabitant: Israel and Judah had turned from the Lord and His way to get them to come to their senses was judgment. He warned them to repent and if they ignored His message, He would then send destruction through a foreign nation.
Application: whenever we go astray, the Lord needs to get our attention and nothing is more effective than judgment. It brings us to our senses like the prodigal son Lk 15:17,18. God lays down the principle that we reap whatever we sow Gal 6:7,8. Thank you, Father that You care enough to discipline us Heb 12:5,6.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021.
Jer 3:9
Because Israel’s immorality mattered so little to her, she defiled the land and committed adultery with stone and wood: Israel turned from God and worshipped their created gods of wood and stone. They weren’t interested in pleasing the true God. They wanted to be free to live a selfish sinful lifestyle without their nagging consciences convicting them of the truth.
Application: The Bible states that we cannot serve two masters Mt 6:24. We all have the choice to live for ourselves or for God. Baptism symbolizes the choice to die to self and live for God Ro 6:4; Gal 2:20. Many people choose to believe in Evolution to justify their selfish sinful lifestyle. If Evolution was true, then God and His laws would be meaningless. Unfortunately for these people, Evolution is false and on judgment day God will give these individuals what they have chosen—eternal separation from God Mt 25:30.
The Good News is our Lord is a forgiving God and anyone who repents of their sins will be forgiven Heb 10:17 and accepted as God’s own Jn 1:12.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021.
Jer 2:5
This is what the Lord says: “What fault did your ancestors find in me, that they strayed so far from me?: they strayed from God because of their rebellious spirit.
They followed worthless idols and became worthless themselves: they wanted to control their own destiny and turned to worthless idols. Unfortunately, God has made us for His pleasure Col 1:16 and fulfillment will never be found in our selfishness. God is patient not wanted anyone to perish and like the father of the prodigal son waits daily for the son to return. God is our Creator and every good gift has come from Him Jas 1:17.
Monday, January 25, 2021.

Jer 1:7
But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you: Jeremiah made the excuse that he was too young and could not do what the Lord was asking him to do. The Lord rebuked Jeremiah and told him that he must be obedient to all of the Lord’s commands. Our application to this truth should be to fulfill whatever the Lord is telling us to do. Drop the excuses and remember that we can do all things through Christ Php 4:13 and when we think we are weak, we are strong for it is Christ’s power that works in us 2 Co 12:10.