God honours His faithful servants.
SELAH (But a father knows you deeply and has lived the pages of Your Word)

Mercy and justice must be seen to be fair to all.
SELAH (It’s the justice of God that we must answer each and everyone)

Seek God and His wisdom.
SELAH (For I have wisdom to give to you)

Use God’s wisdom to attract people to Jesus.
SELAH (Give Him your best as you play your part)

Trust God even when things don’t make sense.
SELAH (But for your glory my God I will trust You in all things)

Listen for God’s still small voice.
SELAH (Be still and know that I am God)

Here to serve self or God?
SELAH (Let there be no selfishness on my part)

Believers are the new Temple of God.
SELAH (And I will dwell in Your house forever and ever)

One with God in Spirit and Body.
SELAH (Bringing out You in me)

Be prepared to give an answer for the reason of your faith.
SELAH (Your wisdom is amazing and tender are Your ways)

Be faithful to God alone.
SELAH (Jesus, I love You, You’re the one I adore)

Learn from others’ mistakes.
SELAH (Lord help me to learn to trust and obey, I am weary from all my past mistakes)

Don’t abuse the grace of God.
SELAH (It was grace that taught my heart to fear)

Repent and turn from your wicked ways.
SELAH (It’s the justice of God that we are called to repent)

Trust God in all things.
SELAH (No need to fear, I know what I must do, trust in You)

Live for eternity not the temporal.
SELAH (He lives in you, in all you say and all you do)

Christians are to bless the Jewish people.
SELAH (Share it, Good News for everyone)

Choose whom you will serve.
SELAH (Bringing out You in me)

Listen for God’s whisper.
SELAH (I listen for Your voice to guide my steps)

Receive God’s mercy will it is available.
SELAH (Oh His love can heal your wounds)

God does not want any man to be lost.
SELAH (Loving, merciful and true)

Let God use you for good not evil.
SELAH (I’ll be your arms that reach. I’ll be your voice to teach)