Before reading, start your day with a little prayer of praise to our Lord.
All songs on this website are by STreeTerandTang
Our purpose in having a blog site is to give hungry and thirsty souls Mt 5:6; Ps 42:1; spiritual nourishment Mt 4:4; Jn 6:56,57;1 Pe 2:2 to encourage them to love and live Jn 15:12,13; Jn 4:34 more like Jesus Ro 8:29; 2 Co 3:18.
As Christians, we should have ears to hear and eyes to see what God is revealing to each of us, in our normal daily living Mt 13:15,16; Ac 10:17,28,34,35; Ps 119:18 and use meditation Ps 119:97,99,148; Jos 1:8; 2 Ti 2:7 and the study of God’s Word Ac 17:11; 2 Ti 2:15; 3:16,17 to encourage others Ro 15:4; 1 Th 5:11; Heb 3:13. These revelations can be shared through the gifts God has blessed us with Jas 1:17; Mt 25:15; Ex 36:2. In my case, God has giving me a desire for creating blogs, songs and video; I may not be the most talented individual in these skilled areas, but I do each, to the best of my ability to glorify God Col 3:17,23; 1 Co 10:31. God had also blessed me with a very gifted and talented wife that had helped me greatly with the song ministry. She recently got promoted Php 1:23 and is with the Lord after fighting the good fight and having finished the race, all the while keeping the faith 2 Ti 4:7.