The ultimate fashion for any woman is to be clothed with Christ Gal 3:27  and to let her beauty come from the inward beauty of the Holy Spirit 1 Pe 3:3,4. For a man, he too should be clothed with the brightness of Christ and be irresistible, having his mind renewed to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit 1 Co 2:12,13.


When Adam and Eve sinned they hid from God and covered their nakedness with fig leaves because of their shame Gen 2:25; Gen 3:7. God covered their sin by killing an animal and clothing their nakedness with skins Gen 3:21. This was the beginning of the Old Covenant’s sacrificial system and how God dealt with man’s sins. This system restricted intimate communion with God, as only the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies and this was only once a year  Heb 9:7. However, when lost people receive Christ, they exchange their sins for His righteousness  2 Co 5:21.

They now have intimate access to God Eph 2:18, not because of any righteous acts that they do but because they are clothed in Christ’s righteousness Php 3:9.

Isaiah portrayed man’s righteous deeds as filthy rags Isa 64:6, but John described the righteous acts of God’s holy people as fine white linen Rev 19:8. Therefore, since we are clothed in Christ Ro 13:13,14 our goal is to avoid fulfilling fleshly desires and seek to do God’s will.