Julia wrote this song looking back at her childhood years and using these images to relate deeper truths.
IN MY GRAMMA’S GARDEN THERE WAS A FLOWER BED LOVELY YELLOW ROSES, BUT NOW THEY ALL ARE DEAD LOVE IS LIKE A GARDEN, SOMETIMES IT BLOOMS SO WELL BUT WHEN THE SUN STOPS SHINING, WE SING SAD TALES TO TELL | Julia grew up in England, spending much time with her grandparents, as her mother had contacted tuberculosis and had been placed in a sanatorium. Julia’s granddad became her closest and best friend, taking her to and from school daily. But he became ill and died, devastating Julia. She compared her relationship with her granddad to the yellow roses in her grandma’s garden. It was always a pleasant time for her, to observe and breathe in the fragrance from the garden. With her granddad’s passing, Julia lost her best friend and her loneliness led to a broken heart. |
Chorus WE SING WITH OUR BROKEN HEARTS, WE SING WE SING ALL TOGETHER, WE SING WE SING WITH OUR BROKEN HEARTS, WE SING WE SING SAD TALES TO TELL | Since there was no one to take her granddad’s place, Julia comforted herself by praying to God (she attended a Catholic school and learned about God there). When her emotions would overwhelm her, she would write poems to God and sing to Him to relieve her pain. |
I HAD SMALL WHITE PETTICOAT, THE ONLY ONE IN TOWN I WORE THAT LITTLE PETTICOAT JUST LIKE A WEDDING GOWN THEN ONE DAY I TORE IT, STILL I WORE IT JUST THE SAME BUT NOW IT WAS JUST A PETTICOAT AND NO ONE WAS TO BLAME | Julia was innocent and beautiful just like her white petticoat. Although her family was poor, she viewed her petticoat as a magnificent wedding dress and herself as a princess whenever she wore it. Julia was raped when she was seven years old. The petticoat was torn one day, just as Julia was raped; without any choice, she had to go on with her life. She did not even tell her parents, as she turned to God for her only comfort. Now, no longer did she see herself as this special beautiful innocent person; shame tormented her as “damaged goods”. But later in life, God revealed that this vicious act could be turned into God’s wonderful gift of brokenness, if Julia would let go of her bitterness towards these brutal youths and forgive them as Christ had forgiven her and accept the good in life along with the bad. She lived out this principle the rest of her life, especially when she suffered quietly with an aggressive cancer, praising God throughout, for the most wonderful life He had given her. (Job 2:10 He replied, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” In all this, Job did not sin in what he said). |
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HAD A PAIR OF DANCING SHOES, I WORE THEM TO THE PARK I LEFT THEM IN THE GREEN GRASS, CHASING MEADOW LARKS AND WHEN I COULDN’T FIND THEM, I CRIED THE WHOLE NIGHT THROUGH BUT ALL THE TEARS I SHED AWAY WOULD NOT BRING BACK MY SHOES | Julia had a tumultuous relationship with her Dad because of his alcoholism and had to leave home at age fifteen. Like her dancing shoes she left her family behind to chase after her own dreams. Years later, her Dad became a Christian and so did Julia. He had planned to come and visit us but before this could happen, he was in a serious car accident that eventually took his life. Julia was only able to hold his hand, as he was in critical condition and was unable to speak. Just like her lost dancing shoes, she never really got the chance to enjoy her relationship with her Dad again, as he had passed into eternity. All her tears could not bring back her dancing shoes or her Dad. Julia could not understand why God did not allow this reconciliation, and give them more time to enjoy their relationship as Christians, but she made a decision to trust God regardless, and to keep her brokenness inside her. |
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Our lives are like roses growing in a garden. We experience God’s love and blessings, enjoying this life on earth. Then God allows trials to come and we experience a broken heart. We are never the same. The wise call out to God and humble themselves under His rule. In a strange way, when we submit our brokenness to God, He uses it to give us empathy for others who are broken-hearted, to help them in their sorrows. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 2 Co 1:3,4. | BROKENNESS in the BIBLE: Brokenness starts with you dying to yourself Jn 12:24. It multiplies blessings Mt 14:19,20. Examples: Peter broken Lk 22:60,61,62; forgiven Jn 21:17; Peter did not get puffed up after saving 3000 souls Ac 2:41. Jacob’s hip was broken, then he became Israel Gen 32:25; Job was broken Job 1:22, but later mightily blessed Job 42:12; Don’t forget if you are broken Mt 12:20. |