Our music goal is to promote Christian revival; to reach the lost for our Bridegroom. Its focus is on Jesus Christ, Saviour and the Ultimate Lover of Souls.

At Jesus’ crucifixion, He was placed in the middle, with one robber on his left and one on his right.  They are criminals and deserve their penalty, whereas Jesus is innocent, but is being crucified also.  The religious leaders mock Jesus and tell him to come down off the cross and they will believe in him Mt 27:41,42.  The robbers also mock Jesus.  Later, one of the criminals continues his mocking of Jesus and says “Aren’t you the Christ?  Save yourself and us!”  The second criminal also has something more to say, but this time, his words are expressed with humility and truth.

But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41 We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” 42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.[” 43 Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Lk 23:40-43

The spiritual truth that God has woven into this scene is quite simple but most serious.  It does not matter which side of Jesus you are on, his right or left, good person or bad (believing you deserve heaven because your good works outweigh your bad ones, or knowing you are an evil person, yet having no regard for God).  The Bible states that all are guilty, sinful at birth, separated from God, because we are Adam’s offspring Ps 51:5.   Both criminals mocked Jesus, however, the second one had a change of heart and repented, admitting his sinful lifestyle and asking Jesus to receive him into his kingdom.  We are all deserving death Ro 3:23; Ro 6:23 and it is only because of Jesus’ willingness to take our punishment that we can escape permanent separation from God.  This is the reality for every man, in regards to eternal life.  Only in humility, can we flee eternal damnation and become a child of God Jn 1:12; Ro 10:9,10.

Many people like to accuse our God as cruel, sending souls to Hell, but the truth is the exact opposite.  You are already on the road to Hell Jn 3:36 and because of God’s great love for mankind, He has provided a way to Heaven.  The choice is yours.  Are you going to continue mocking God or will you come to your senses like the second criminal, repent and turn to Jesus, the only Savior of the world? Ac 4:12