A prodigal is someone who spends money or resources recklessly and is wastefully extravagant. All of us have been born sinners and begin wasting precious time on temporal pursuits and thus could be called prodigals. The prodigal son came to his senses and headed home to his father Lk 15:17. If you have been wasting your life on empty endeavours, something that will disappear and be worthless after you are gone, listen to the Father’s plea to come home and enjoy His love forever, while having a meaningful purpose in this life.

CAN’T YOU HEAR THE LORD’S VOICE CALLING Ro 10:18. | See four types of Soils |
DEARLY LOVED CHILD OF MINE 1 Jn 4:19, PLEASE COME HOME 1 Ti 2:4 | God did not create you to condemn you but to save you Jn 3:17. His desire is that all mankind would come to know His love 2 Pe 3:9. |
DON’T YOU KNOW I’M ALWAYS WITH YOU Mt 28:20; Heb13:5. | God’s love is pure. He does not have any ulterior motive. He wants the best for you, just as any mother and father does. They love their child and will protect him or her to the point of giving up their own life. God is the one, which has placed this desire in parents’ hearts because it was first in His heart. |
AND I WILL WAIT 2 Pe 3:9 WHEREVER YOU GO Lk 15:20 | God will not force His will on you but He waits with open arms to receive any sinner that repents Mt 15:17,18,19,20. |
Chorus HOW DID YOU LOSE YOUR WAY Isa 53:6 | You have an enemy that comes only to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came to give you true fullness of life Jn 10:10, with meaning and purpose. |
NOW LOST IN YOUR HELPLESS ESTATE Ro 3:10,11,12 | On your own, you would never seek God, but fortunately He came to seek you Lk 19:10. |
WAKE UP DREAMER, IT’S NOT TOO LATE, RISE UP NOW Eph 5:14 | As long as you have breath, you have the opportunity to change your destiny. But God warns you not to put this decision off for today is the day of salvation 2 Co 6:2, and you do not know if you will have a tomorrow. |
YOUR FIRST LOVE WAITS Rev 2:4 | Maybe your parents didn’t love you or your spouse didn’t, but God has always loved you Eph 1:4,5. |
FOR EVERY GOOD GIFT COMES FROM GOD ABOVE Jas 1:17 | You can never say that you have earned anything in the life that God has not given you. You cannot even take credit for your next breath of air, for even that is a gift from God. |
HE GAVE YOU LIFE Ac 17:25 AND HE OFFERS HIS LOVE Jn 3:16 | God has given you physical life and now He offers you spiritual life with Him for eternity. |
HE HATES TO SEE YOU IN SUCH PAIN Jn 11:33-36 | Jesus knows your pain for He suffered and was tempted in every way like you Heb 4:15. |
PLEASE TURN FROM YOUR PATH AND RUN TO HIM AGAIN Ac 3:19 | God will not force you to love Him. He offers His Son freely without compulsion and will honor your decision to receive or reject His love. |
Chorus | |
WHEN A CHILD IS LOST Lk 15:4 HOW A FATHER’S HEART ACHES | Surely, you can relate to the verses in Lk 15:12,13 of how a human father would be crushed by the insensitivity of his son. Jesus told this story to explain God the Father’s heart aches for His children when they turn from Him. It is not that God is feeling sorry for Himself because His son is ungrateful but because His son is going down the wrong path, one of destruction and this causes His heart to break. |
TO HEAL THIS HURT HIS LOVE IS ALL IT TAKES Ps 147:3 | When you come to your senses Lk 15:17 and realize that God is the only One who truly loves you unconditionally then this hurt is healed. |
REMEMBER CHILD FOR YOU HE BLED AND DIED 1 Pe 1:18,19 | God has proved His love for you when He died in your place for your sins. |
NOW THERE’S NOWHERE TO RUN NOWHERE YOU CAN HIDE Ps 139:7,8 | No, there’s no way of getting around the truth that God loves you and you can love Him back or continue to live for self and be your own god, but the consequence will be separation forever. |
HE WAITS FOR YOU Mt 11:28-30 | God is hoping that you will not reject His love for you. |